UI/UX Design
A retail website designed for an imaginary perfume company.
User Personas
I interviewed two friends who are perfume collectors, and both expressed a preference for perfume websites to be clean and minimal. However, they also noted that many perfume and skincare websites look very similar these days and would like to see something more unique.
Wireframes and User Insights
During my design process, I researched various retail website designs and created several key web pages, including the homepage and product pages. These designs serve as the foundation for my perfume business. Moreover, I gathered valuable insights from my friends throughout the process to strengthen the designs.
My friend and I wanted to start a perfume business. We have imagined the brand to be minimal and clean, while also focusing on telling a story behind each perfume scent.
UI/UX Designer
Project Duration
1 Month
I’ve designed a minimal retail website for us to preview the look and feel of the brand and what the product showcase would look like. I’ve also taken the opportunity to experiment with interactivity and how to improve user experience.